No, that isn’t a typo even if spellchecker thinks it is. Sometimes you gotta just tell spellchecker to take its know-it-all algorithms and bugger off.

So here it is, February 1, 2012, and that can only mean two things: the usual, raucous Groundhog’s Day Eve parties AND the release of
Blythe Woolston’s latest book,
Catch & Release!
Blythe is a super talented, Morris Award-winning, smarty pants YA writer, who, as we’ve learned on previous occasions at this very blog, does not live in a missile silo, does not write her books with her feet, and does not like bears. (Dear God, there are so many inside jokes in that sentence, even I don’t know what I’m talking about.)
Let’s have a taste of the yummy chocolate coating on this new novel (aka the jacket flap copy):
Polly Furnas had The Plan for the future. Get married to Bridger Morgan, for one. College, career, babies. Etc. All the important choices were made. It was all happily-ever-after as a diamond-ring commercial.
But The Plan did not include a lethal drug-resistant infection. It did not include 'some more reconstruction and scar revision in the future.' And it certainly did not include Odd Estes, a trip to Portland in an ancient Cadillac to 'tear Bridger a new one,' fly fishing, marshmallows, Crisco, or a loaded gun.
I know, I know. That sounds awesome, and you totally and utterly want it. *shakes grasping reader off pant leg*
So let’s get to this book giveaway then.
"A coelacanth?! You shouldn't have!" |
Leave a comment below for your chance to win. Simply write the name of your favorite fish, either to eat or watch swim around. (Mine? The coelacanth.) Or you can simply state your desire for Blythe’s new book in any effective, slavish way you wish: “WANT BOOK GIVE NOW” would work perfectly well, for example.
Make sure you leave some kind of contact info, either your blog address or your email. I’ll pick a winner at random and announce it in a few days.
Just think, if you win, years from now when you’re sitting in your room at the cut-rate nursing home--because you’re probably a writer and God knows you don’t have a decent pension or any pension at all, really--and some relatives come to visit you on your birthday, because, you know, they felt they had to, purely out of a begrudging sense of guilt, and they dragged one of their teenagers along who is so, so beyond not into being there, but that teenager gets bored and starts pawing through your belongings so as to avoid having to talk to you, and then exclaims, “Why, Aunt Fezziwig, I never knew you had a first-edition copy of Blythe Woolston’s Catch & Release! That’s a classic! And do you know how much that thing is worth? Yay! The hydroponic farm is saved!”--why, you're going to be the hero of the day.
Don’t you owe it to your future self, friends, and family to enter? I think you do.
Remember to click on the post title to get the comment box to come up. Commence contest entry in 3-2-1….GO!